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IPFS News Link • Trump Administration

Roger Stone: The Witch Hunt Continues


One of Stone's Rules is "The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about." Even I may have taken exception to that rule last Friday.

If you followed the news last Friday, you know that my longtime friend Kristin Davis testified before Special Counsel Robert Mueller's grand jury, that my longtime associate and wingman Andrew Miller was held in contempt for his refusal to testify for the grand jury, and that a subpoena was dropped on Randy Credico who, despite his public denials, was the source who first told me that Wikileaks had the goods on Hillary and would release them in October. It was a Deep State Trifecta!

Andrew Miller's contempt citation is a bit more complicated and his appeal may be problematic for Mueller down the road.

Mueller is running a criminally abusive, constitutionally -unaccountable, professionally and politically incestuous conspiracy of ethically conflicted cronies colluding to violate my Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Amendment rights and those of almost everyone who had any sort of political or personal association with me in the last 10 years.

He has conducted a supposedly comprehensive investigation of a very narrow and limited issue as an open-ended, totally limitless Grand Prosecution, with absolutely no articulable or even identifiable criminal predicate to substantiate it as a lawful investigation, even under ordinary circumstances.

Mueller's team of partisan prosecutors seek to prove the unprovable — that I received allegedly hacked e-mails from the Russians or Wikileaks and passed them on to Donald Trump. This threadbare false narrative is harped on endlessly by the slugs at MSNBC and other despicable "fake news" outlets.

Now, because of the accuracy of my tweets — in which I merely followed the tweets of Wikileaks and the many public interviews of Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange — Mueller and his hit-men seek to frame some ludicrous charge of "defrauding the United States."