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IPFS News Link • Guantanamo Bay

Why am I still in Guantánamo after 14 years?

• By Ahmed Rabbani

Though I once had friends, now I have nobody. Though I once had a government, Pakistan has turned its back on me. Though I once was a human being, I have been reduced to a number (1461) and abandoned in a dark hole: the military prison at Guantánamo Bay.

I am officially a prisoner of war, though the only battle I ever fought back home, as a taxi driver in Karachi, was the rush hour traffic. I was mistaken for an extremist, captured by Gen. Pervez Musharraf's government and sold to the CIA for a bounty in 2002. I've now been detained at Guantánamo, without trial, for nearly 14 years.

President Trump's lawyers argued in court this month that I and other Guantánamo prisoners who have filed habeas corpus petitions could be held by the U.S. government for a hundred years, if that is how long the "conflict" lasts.