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IPFS News Link • Russia

It's Not Russia Which Threatens Me, It's My Own Government

•, BY Jonathan Haley

No, that's the NSA.  It isn't isn't the Supreme Court of Russia that tells me that you cannot have a cross on the White House lawn (while a menorah is A-OK), or that my children must be bused across town to achieve some kind of racial balance, or that a bakery must make a cake for a gay 'wedding.'"

I don't get it.  I've been watching the hysteric reaction of the news media, the MIC, the Deep State, the Zionist neocons and politicians on both sides of the aisle to President Trump's new detente with Russia, and I'm left wondering why the prospect of peaceful coexistence with a nuclear-armed superpower is seen as a bad thing.  

After listening to the usual drivel on TV, which includes accusations of treason in the executive office, you'd think they actually want an adversarial relationship with a country that our own generals acknowledge could annihilate us just as surely as we could them, and end the world as we know it in the process.