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IPFS News Link • Seasteading

Seasteading and Health Care: Islands of Innovation

• by Brittany Hunter

Mention seasteading at a party, and you will likely get the same glassy-eyed stares that the topic of Bitcoin garnered five years ago. Of course, by now most of us understand the revolutionary implications of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. But the significance of seasteading is, unfortunately, still lost on some.

For anyone reading this with glassy eyes of their own, seasteading "is the concept of creating permanent dwellings at sea, called seasteads, outside the territory claimed by any government." And while seasteading offers hope for a future where individual sovereignty is protected and out of reach of government abuse, it also provides ample opportunity to reinvent the way we view health care innovation.

Regulatory Burdens Inhibit Innovation

As developed and prosperous as America is, its health care system is severely lacking. And while supporters of government intervention will tell you this is because the private sector has too much power and influence over our care options, this is simply not the case. In fact, much of the reason that our health care system is both inefficient and overpriced is because it is one of the most heavily regulated sectors.

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