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IPFS News Link • Philosophy: Socialism

Who Do Dictators Murder First?


How do dictators like Kim, Hitler, Stalin or Mao increase or maintain their power, while eliminating dissent, over their people?

Dictators Maintain Control Through Fear

Psychologists and sociologists who study totalitarianism say dictators are able to spread fear among their people, often through false flags and place themselves as their only salvation. In short, they are experts at manufacturing an external threat. Hitler was the master of this as he presented the Jews as the major threat to  Germany and of course, who could forget the infamous Reichstag fire?. This helps keep a society off balance and collectively paranoid as well.

False flag events become an important part of a dictator's strategy as we witnessed on 9/11.

The manufactured 9/11 event psychologically placed America in a position to trade liberty for perceived security. What we did after 9/11 was to sew the seeds of our own destruction through the establishment of a police state surveillance grid in which the clandestine apparatus of the government watches everything you do, as managed by the Deep State.

The creation of the MIAC report was a fear-mongering tactic. It shifted America's fear of anything from the Middle East to the newly invented "domestic terrorist". And according to DHS, which was molded after the East German Stasi, the new domestic terrorist possessed traits, which were coincidentally identical to anyone who might oppose a totalitarian regime. According to the MIAC Report, if you were a member of the following, you were domestic terrorist: (1) Ron Paul supporter;(2) A constitutionalist (3) A Christian (4) A Supporter of the 2nd Amendment. Do you I need to go further? The MIAC further identified terrorist was pictured in DHS target practice sheet.

The MIAC report answered the question on who gets taken to the FEMA camp first to a large extent.

The Globalists Are Taking Out the Eyes and Ears of the People