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Tesla Roadster With SpaceX-Inspired Boosters Comes To Life

• by Eric Loveday

Not long after Tesla CEO Elon Musk tweeted of this performance-enhancing SpaceX-inspired option package for the new Tesla Roadster, it becomes almost real in this first-ever rendering of the rocket-boosted Roadster

The folks over at T Sportline are responsible for this over-the-top render of what the Roadster might look like when / if the air rockets detailed by Musk actually become reality.

T Sportline states (click here for the Tesla tuner's full release):

"Earlier this week, Elon Musk announced a 'SpaceX Option Package' for the 2020 Tesla Roadster. This package will include small rocket thrusters arranged around the vehicle. The thrusters will use ultra high pressure air housed in composite-looking air tanks which are immediately replenished through air pumps powered by the battery pack. The purpose of these thrusters is for dramatic improvements in performance. Yes, he is serious and claims 'maybe they will even allow a Tesla to fly…"
