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Time May Be Running Out For Those Betting Against Elon Musk / Tesla


Tesla haters are coming out of the woodwork everywhere. That said, there could be some underlying urgency for this sudden, sweeping attack. According to Giles Parkinson (via Renew Economy), "It seems that Elon Musk's detractors – and they are legion – have decided that it may be now or never if they have a chance of stopping the founder and CEO of Tesla in his tracks."

*This article comes to us courtesy of EVANNEX (which also makes aftermarket Tesla accessories). Authored by Matt Pressman. The opinions expressed in these articles are not necessarily our own at InsideEVs.

Of course, the battle with Wall Street's short sellers remains front-and-center. But, there are others factions too. Parkinson notes that "the criticism of Musk and Tesla becomes blurred between financial self-interest, ideology, and techno-phobia… So what is really bothering these people?"

One reason: "Musk's ambition is writ large on Tesla's website. 'The goal of Tesla is to accelerate world's transition to sustainable energy,' it says. And Musk himself usually goes a lot further than this, calling for a 'revolt' against fossil fuels, and calling for the removal of $5 trillion of fossil fuel subsidies that is slowing the transition down, which he says could be done in 15-20 years."

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