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IPFS News Link • Trump Administration

Koch Bros Will Spend Millions To Reverse Trump's 'America First' Trade Agenda


President Donald Trump has changed the landscape of American politics, and this is causing lots of turmoil across the political spectrum. Desperate for the US to re-enter globalist trade deals and open the borders for low-cost labor, the Koch Bros – long-time boogeymen of the Left – are going to spend millions of dollars during this election year and beyond to subvert Trump's trade agenda.

"The Trump administration has taken some incredibly positive steps for the American economy, but tariffs will undercut that progress and needlessly hamstring our full economic potential," said Tim Phillips, president of the Koch front group Americans for Prosperity, in a public statement. "There are better ways to negotiate trade deals than by punishing American consumers and businesses with higher costs."

AFP is allying with the Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce and the LIBRE Initiative to start a "multi-year, multi-million-dollar" campaign to "transform the way Washington and the rest of the country consider and value trade with other nations." This will include advertisement, mobilizing voters and lobbying various lawmakers in order to achieve their ends.

According to a Bloomberg report, the Koch Bros intend to spend an incredible $400 million during this election cycle. That money is already being spent in part on Congressional Democrats who are working to undermine Trump's immigration agenda.