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IPFS News Link • Senate/Senators

McCain Criminally Implicated Himself


I actually feel sorry for John McCain. He has been my mortal political enemy for the past 14 years and it is personal. However, I get no pleasure from criticizing a dying man. Yet, he is like a bad cold, he just won't go away.

McCain has just admitted engaging in a serious crime and he responded with, "It is my duty".

Here what some others have said who have listened to the following interview. It should be noted that nobody defended him.


He is as dumb as rocks! They're all their own worst enemies and when you give them enough rope, they usually hang themselves!!

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Chella Taylor

Hi Dave, Here in ColoRATo, are news station KRDO.COM I COULD NOT BELIEVE SINGING MCSHAMES PRAISES….. OMG. HE TALKED ON AIR IN NAM, while being a "" pow"" Lord knows what he told them ! He left his 1st wife, ( she was in a car accident and disfigured her )) after the divorce was final, he married "THIS WIFE" under 5 weeks. he also got over 140 men killed, on the ship cuz he wanted to go, and hid, instead ! ( they sent a chopper, not cuz of his injuries, but b/c of his shipmates….) He got the name songbird for a reason. Do some homework on mcshame how his daddy and grandpappy pulled a lot of strings to get him his "" lifetime seat"" ! ! ! Talk to some vets, they all can't be lying ! Under hippa we will NEVER know if he has brain cancer, but in all fairness the msm is painting him as a hero not the ZERO he is. jmtol

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Leonard Washington

Chella Taylor McCain is the epitome of a traitorous swamp rat, brain tumor or not



Suzanne Fronzaglio

Chella Taylor didn't he screw over his 2nd wife too? Didn't he dump the 2nd to marry the current wife?



Song bird McCain is just suffering from a real bad case of sour grapes. He just needs to go away and quit talking. Why the people of Arizona kept him in office isn't saying much for them.

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Sandra mclaughlin

Sounds like treason and he should be in the jail cell!

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Donna Jacobs

I'm from Arizona and haven't voted for him for years

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Kathryn Antonsen

Donna Jacobs sounds like AZ suffers from the same thing we in CA do. ELECTION/VOTER FRAUD!!!

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I'm right there with you Donna. Don't know anyone who did. sigh
