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IPFS News Link • Russia

"Never Fight A Land War In Asia..." - A Rant

•, "Dr.D"

There was a recent article, falsely saying:

"[H]is successful repression of the Chechen revolt…hardly endeared Putin to the Chechens."

Oddly, this was from Russia Today. No, the Chechen war was a gruesome and unpopular war, however it was just part of the MacKinderesque plan of first lying, killing, then robbing Russia up front by lowering the price of Russia's exports gold and oil (using Saudi oil and Canadian gold), starting an arms race, then collapsing the ruble and empowering every corrupt, criminal oligarch we could find using pallets of $100 bills. No joke, official record. Russia's collapse and the Chechen war was no "accident", no natural consequence of the socialism system or collapse, but a soup-to-nuts military operation. We had the nuts, and they were in the soup. The "accident" here was trusting anything the West says, ever. Haven't they ever heard about the Indians?