IPFS News Link • Science

Frog skin secretions offer the first ray of hope in a deadly fungal epidemic

• arclein

"It wasn't too long after the initial work in Panama when the disease appeared," Voyles says. "We were finding dead and dying frogs in the stream. It's hard to articulate how much of a profound experience that is. It definitely changed the trajectory of our scientific careers. On the one hand it was heartbreaking, but it was also fascinating?"and that's where we all got started." Over the years, the researchers continued to study the frogs and the disease that was killing them, hoping to figure out what was happening to the swiftly declining populations. Then, recently, a fraction of species at the field sites started recovering, bouncing back from the edge of annihilation. Voyles, Richards-Zawacki, and their colleagues were determined to figure out why.
