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IPFS News Link • Tariffs

We Must Support Tariffs to Have Free Trade


I ran across an article the other day whose title was straight out of the Orwellian Twilight Zone.

Supposedly, Trump's Tariffs are a Tool for Free Trade.

The current issue is not, as the tariff critics would have you believe, that tariffs are anti-free trade. They certainly are.

Consider the ideal of world peace or, more practically, national security. The United States has shown that it is willing to kill other people and to sacrifice the cream of its own youth in order to achieve national security and strive toward the ideal of world peace.

Free trade is similar. The only way to rein in nations who discriminate against US exports is to make them pay a price through imposition of significant tariffs.

Non-Libertarian Nonsense

I am surprised that a proclaimed Libertarian, Daniel Lacalle, would post such obvious nonsense on his website.

Lacalle did not write the article, rather it was written by JunkScience author Steve Milloy.

Warmongering Garbage

For starters, US Meddling in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya. and Afghanistan have had negative consequences towards the ideal "world peace."

One of the biggest reason we do not have peace is the US is constantly waging war everywhere. US drone policy has killed or maimed countless innocent men, women, and children.

The US destabilized Iraq, directly leading to the creation of ISIS, which led to the destruction of Syria. Hillary Clinton got the US meddling in Libya and look at the result.

Think back to the Vietnam War. How much "cream of its own youth in order to achieve national security" did the US lose fighting that absurd war? For what?

We Had to Destroy the Village to Save It

WikiQuotes offers this pertinent quote on Vietnam: "It became necessary to destroy the town to save it."

The quote refers to the bombing of the Vietnam village Ben Tre, by AP correspondent Peter Arnett. Often misquoted in a variety of ways, notably: In order to save the village, we had to destroy it. or "We had to destroy the village in order to save it."

From the same link, consider the opinion of boxing champion Muhammad Ali who went to prison rather than fight in Vietnam.
