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IPFS News Link • Trump Administration

After Offering Congratulations, Trump Plans To Meet With Putin Very Soon


U.S. President Donald Trump bucked the will of his deep state advisers when he called up Russian President Vladimir Putin following his dominant re-election performance, which some observers have called a sham election to legitimize the rule of an autocrat.

"I congratulated him on the victory, the electoral victory," Trump said to reporters yesterday at the White House during a meeting with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

Trump also added: "The call had to do also with the fact that we will probably get together in the not too distant future so we can discuss arms, we can discuss the arms race."

Despite the frequent cries of conspiracy by the western media and his political opposition, Trump has not given up pursuing diplomacy with Russia. He continues to work with Putin on strategic initiatives even while individuals in his own party become apoplectic over Trump's approach to foreign affairs.
