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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations


• Bolen Report

This came to me from a good friend in the vaccine fight.  It goes along with what I have been saying about the new Conscience and Religious Freedom Division at Health and Human Services being our way to DESTROY VACCINE MANDATES.

Can I tell you it will succeed?


Did Eisenhower know that D-Day would succeed?  Did Lincoln know he could win the Civil War?  Did Washington know he could beat the British?

The only guarantee I can give you is that IF WE DO NOTHING, THE SITUATION WILL STAY THE SAME.  Here is an excerpt from that email:

I recently spoke with Arina Grossu, the contact for the Conscience and Religious Freedom (CRF) Division at Health and Human Services (HHS).  She told me, THEY WERE WILLING TO ADD VACCINE SITUATIONS TO THEIR REGULATIONS.  HOWEVER, we need to TAKE ACTION.

We must participate in the PUBLIC COMMENT on the Federal Register by March 27, 2018.  Clear itemized instructions are listed below (steps 1 thru 6).  We need to make a request to "Expand the Categories to include parents, adults, children, caregivers, legal guardians, and employees to file complaints regarding vaccine situations."

As you know President Donald Trump has voiced his adamant position that vaccines cause Autism.

Is the agency aware of the President's concern regarding vaccine mandates. Can the agency marry the President's two concerns… concern about the risk of vaccines and supporting religious and conscientious objection to vaccine mandates?

Here is an eight minute video which documents the position of President Trump on vacccines.

Given how many readers this article is likely to reach, and knowing how many are likely to take action, I propose our goal is at least 5,000 comments by March 27, 2018.  Here's what YOU NEED TO DO:

 1.  Go to:

2.  Insert into search bar, cut/paste the Docket No. HHS-OCR-2018-0002

3.  Click on green Submit a Public Comment Button.

4.  Insert your PUBLIC COMMENT, "Expand the Categories to include parents, adults, children, caregivers, legal guardians, and employees to file complaints regarding vaccine situations."

5.  Add your information, your organization or

5.  Click the SUMBIT button on your form.  Thank you for helping to make a difference!

6.  You can also go to the website – under TAKE ACTION, file your own individual complaint (see CRF Division's SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS for filing vaccine situations).

I thank you my dear brothers and sisters in this struggle for taking the time to submit your comment.  I genuinely believe we are now DRIVING the conversation.

If we keep up the pressure our enemies will soon be fleeing on the figurative HIGHWAY OF DEATH as we liberate our children from their malign influence and protect the next generation of American children.

By Kent Heckenlively, JD