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IPFS News Link • Mass Shootings

Far-Left Group Calls For Murdering Republicans as Revenge For Florida School Shooting

•, Paul Joseph Watson

A far-left group on Facebook is calling on people to murder Republican lawmakers who support the NRA as revenge for the Florida school shooting.

The unhinged posts appeared on a Facebook group called 'Milkshakes Against the Republican Party' in the hours after the massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

"Dear Crazed Shooters, The GOP has frequent baseball practice. You really wanna be remembered, that's how you do it. Signed, Americans tired of our politicians bathing in the blood of the innocent for a few million dollars from the terrorist organization NRA," states one of the posts.

The irony of openly encouraging terrorist attacks as revenge against a "terrorist organization" is seemingly lost on whoever posted the message.