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IPFS News Link • False Flag Operations

JFK Files Reveal Bobby Kennedy And CIA Plotted False Flag War With USSR

• by Tyler Durden

Of course, these "conspiracy theories" would be far easier to discredit if they'd stop coming true...

Alas, a recently revealed document from the so-called 'JFK Files' will only serve to stoke the flames of conspiracy theorists as it very clearly confirms a plot crafted by then Attorney General Robert Kennedy and the CIA to carry out a false attack that could be pinned on the USSR and serve as a basis for a U.S. "counterattack".

According to a formerly "Top Secret" document summarizing a meeting from March 22, 1962, officials from JFK administration secretly strategized on the best way to "manufacture or acquire Soviet aircraft," including a MIG 17 or MIG 19.  Per the following except, plans ranged from building aircraft that could stand up "distant observation" or "close observation" and ranged in cost from $3.5 million to $22 million.