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IPFS News Link • Revolutions, Rebellions & Uprisings

Will Brazil Be the Next Hotspot for Independence Movements?

•, By Michael Krieger

I think we're at the very early stages of this developing trend, which will see nation-states across the world fracture for a variety of reasons. The historical significance of the political changes we're about to live through cannot be overstated. As I wrote in last month's piece, The Future Will Be Decentralized:

To conclude, I recognize that I'm making a huge call here. I think the way human beings organize their affairs will experience the most significant paradigm level shift we've seen in the Western world since the end of the European feudal system hundreds of years ago. That's how significant I think this shift will be. There are two key things that need to happen for this to occur. The first is technological innovation, and that's already happening. The second is increased human consciousness. As Thoreau noted, in order for us to have greater self-determination we need to be ready for it. Are we ready? I think we're getting there.