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IPFS News Link • United States

What Can Be Done?


Despite clear evidence that Washington has chosen the path to conflict with Russia and China, European governments have not objected. Poland, Ukraine, and the Baltics even seem to demand more conflict or a quicker path to conflict. The European peoples themselves have not elected leadership that is willing to repudiate vassalage to Washington and conduct a rational foreign policy toward Russia.

Last Sunday's German election was an opportunity for the German electorate to repudiate Washington vassal Angela Merkel and the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), and to some extent they did. But you would never know it from the news reporting.

The headlines were Merkel wins the fourth term. In the US Hillary's folks emphasize that Trump lost the popular vote, but Merkel lost it by 70%. Only 3 Germans out of 10 voted for her. Her party's vote fell from 41.6% in the previous election to just under 33%.

Merkel's coalition partner, the Social Democratic Party (SDU) also suffered a vote decline that resulted in the SDU refusing to enter into another coalition government with Merkel. This means that Merkel has to go to the Free Democratic Party (FDP) which got 10.7 percent of the vote and to the Greens which got 8.9 percent of the vote. That coalition produces 52.6 percent from which a government can be formed. Merkel's "win" was such a defeat that she is perhaps on the way out.

Where did the votes lost by Merkel's party and coalition partner (SDU) go? They went to a new party that stands for Germany, and not for Washington, not for the refugees from Washington's wars, and not for the conflict with Russia. This party is Alternative for Germany (AfD). It is now Germany's third largest political party with 12.6% of the vote and 94 seats in the German legislature.

As the party is against the massive Muslim immigration supported by Merkel and against Washington's policy toward Russia, the AfD was promptly branded "far-right," a term that is saddled with Nazi connotations.
