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Bugging Out:

• By Jeremiah Johnson

ReadyNutrition Readers, we are becoming "long in the tooth," so to speak, regarding the current world events.  Some of this article will mention points previously covered, but only in relation to the "big picture" of E&E…that's the acronym for "Escape & Evasion."  In the end, no matter how secure your fortress, be it Castle Greyskull or Mount Olympus II, you may have to leave it for one reason or another: fire, radiation, severe flood/hurricane, or the IHM (Incredible Human Mob).

The first thing you need to do is establish your immediate location and route to where you intend to flee if you must.  There are several different types of maps that you should consult, if not own outright, and they are as follows:

Local atlas/road type of map with streets and metropolitan areas readily identified

Topographic map: preferably military (DMA, or Defense Mapping Agency is your source) of the immediate area

Maps from the State/Federal Forestry services for your area

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