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IPFS News Link • Natural Disasters

Hurricane Harvey prepper update: Sh#t just hit the fan in South Texas…


(Natural News) News from inside Hurricane Harvey:

Local towns are experiencing so much flooding that some are cutting off municipal water supplies.

This is on top of the power grid outages, cell phone outages, store closures and widespread road closures that have taken place here in the last 12 hours.

For the time being, everyone is on their own, with little available outside help. I've seen tweets of people pleading to be rescued as their homes flood, and those are the lucky ones who still have bandwidth access. Many people are completely cut off with no services at all: No electricity, no municipal water, no 911 response services, etc. As much as I want to help these people, I can't even get to them (and neither can anyone else).

Hurricane Harvey is a strong reminder that prepping is the best insurance you can buy. While surrounding areas had no power, I cranked up my John Deere tractor with a PTO generator, providing power to my entire property for the cost of about two gallons of diesel per hour. This tractor-generator setup is virtually EMP-proof as long as you're using an older tractor, like the one shown below. I call it the "ultimate backup generator" arrangement, and it's mobile by design (photo courtesy of

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