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IPFS News Link • Trump Administration

Trump makes major threat to DC (build the wall!)


President Donald Trump gave the establishment a simple, stern warning on Tuesday — if you try stop the border wall's construction, I'll shut down the bloated government.

In other words: Protect America, or say good-bye to your pork barrel spending.

Trump threatened that if legislators try to kill the border wall, a reference to his campaign promise to close off the border with Mexico, the White House will force a government shutdown this fall.

He also said he thinks the U.S. will "end up probably terminating" the North American Free Trade Agreement with Canada and Mexico "at some point," though he said he hasn't made up his mind.

"Personally, I don't think we can make a deal because we have been so badly taken advantage of," Trump said.

Trump's appearance resurrected some of the magic of his free-wheeling 2016 campaign style, pinging insults at enemies such as the media and establishment politicians. This was Trump's eighth rally since taking office in January, and each event is attended by thousands of supporters.

His comfort-level was apparent: As he discussed his responses to Charlottesville, he interrupted himself. "I didn't want to bore you. You understand where I'm coming from. You people understand."

Outside the rally, the violent anti-Trump alt-left was on display.