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Pardon the Bundy Family and their Supporters


The accumulation of all powers legislative, executive, and judiciary in the same hands, whether of one, a few or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.
– James Madison (Federalist Paper 47)

On January 20th, 2017, when President Donald J. Trump was inaugurated as the 45th President of the United States, newly sworn-in President Trump gave a stirring and passionate speech about the new day that was coming to the USA now that power would be transferred from Washington, D.C. back to the American People. He said:

"For too long, a small group in our nation's Capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost. Washington flourished — but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered — but the jobs left, and the factories closed.
The establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country. Their victories have not been your victories; their triumphs have not been your triumphs; and while they celebrated in our nation's capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land."
President Donald Trump Inauguration Speech 2017

No more well-defined example of the injustices wrought by the hands of an out-of-control Federal Government can be found than the case of the Bundy Family from the State of Nevada, whose multiple family members rot in a Federal Prison on this very day.

Our Founding Fathers said that Federal Government was to be limited in power regarding to land use within states, and that states themselves should have the say over how the land was used. This is made crystal clear in the Federalist Papers.
Over time, as if in slow motion, our enumerated Constitutional rights have been eroded, to the point of being unrecognizable today.

The result has become a bloated and power-mad Federal Government that is hell bent on achieving full spectrum control over every facet of American's lives. Militarized Federal Agencies are destroying livelihoods and children's futures. When the people gather to redress grievances, Federal mercenaries are called in and threaten to shoot-to-kill.

We have allowed our public servants to become Rule Protected Predators, willing to kill and destroy families to maintain their iron grip of power and profit.

Here we have the BLM, the EPA, and the FBI threatening death, stealing land by fiat, and slaughtering livestock while laughing about it. We have allowed our public servants to become modern-day robbers.

In the case of the Bundy Family, there were merely the last ones standing. All of the other ranchers that had developed the area around Bunkerville, NV over the past 150 years had been driven off by the same strong-arm tactics that the Bundy's resisted.

The Center for Biological Diversity had the audacity to offer to buy the grazing rights of their family for next to nothing. This, after years of using the Bureau of Land Management and the Environmental Protection Agency as a club to bludgeon not only the Bundy's, but all the other families in the area as well.

Was it for some desert tortoise that these multi-generational rangers driven off their land, as the EPA and CBD claim? Perhaps it was the fact that a certain Nevada senator had almost one hundred acres of land adjacent to the Bundy family? Maybe that this same senator wanted to use that land as part of a 9,000-acre Federal Government subsidized solar farm, put together by his son, in concert with Chinese energy giant, ENN Energy Group?

The fact that the Bundy family would not leave their ancestral land helped cause the Reid-Chinese solar deal to fall apart, which incensed Senator "Pinky" Reid, who then determined to use the full might and force of Federal Law Enforcement to bring terror down upon the Bundy Family's heads.

Power has run amok and the people are being abused. Their land has been stolen, they have been physically trampled, and in the case of Lavoy Finicum, we find that people are even that they are being murdered in what every appearance shows to be cold blood.

The Department of Justice has looked away at all this abuse of power. Their job, paid for by American Taxpayers, was to protect the people from exactly this, but they have allowed federalism to be destroyed in a multidecade effort to centralize power at all costs. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, rather than look more deeply into the causes that erupted into the standoff, instead congratulated the prosecution on their fine work. This dashed the hopes of patriots everywhere, hoping for real justice.