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Are Chipolte's Food Borne Illnesses Actually False Flag Attacks ...


Allegations are surfacing that Chipolte leadership have secretly conspired with "preferred stockholders" to cause food borne illnesses and then allowing the preferred stockholders to profit by selling short. These events have not happened once, they have happened twice.

A Lesson From History

I am very quick to recognize a possible conspiracy on the part of Chipolte because when I covered the Gulf Oil Spill, I see many of the same elements in Chipolte that I found in the criminal enterprise, Transocean, the owner of the ill-fated oil rig.

If I took out a million dollar life insurance policy and then my wife got pushed off a cliff a week later, does anyone believe that the authorities would put me under investigation? This is the metaphorical equivalent to what Transocean did hours before the Gulf oil spill.

Transocean insured the Deepwater Horizon oil rig with Lloyds of London shortly before the "accident." Transocean did not just insure their oil rig, they double insured the rig and Transocean unashamedly walked away with a $270 million dollar profit immediately following the explosion. Additionally,Transocean sold its stock short, the morning of the explosion, to preferred insiders.

Shouldn't the "coincidence" of having a grossly over-inflated insurance policy on the rig acquired in proximity to the explosion, and selling short on the morning of the explosion, have raised the eyebrows of congressional investigators? Well, it did raise the level of concern for many in the legislative branch of the government. In fact, eighteen Democratic senators asked the Justice Department to investigate the operator of the Deepwater Horizon offshore drilling rig after Transocean announced it would pay out $1 billion to shareholders as the leaking oil continued to pour into the Gulf.

Another outbreak of foodborne illness  at Chipotle. The incident did exactly what one would predict, it sent stock price plummeting. There are many victims here including the sick customers, the majority of the stockholders, the employees who will be laid off because of declining sales and the public's trust and confidence. However, there are winners in this catastrophe and it is the investors who had the ability to foresee trouble and sell the stock short. The latter group would have potentially made big bucks.

Congress, by a vote of 420 to 1 voted to investigate, among other thing, Transocean's role in the tragedy. However, Obama's minions blocked any meaningful investigation. These events have sharpened my senses in conspiracies like the one at Chipolte.

Applying the Lessons of History

A website covered the latest Chipolte event, It is a website that crowdsources reports of customer illnesses following visits to restaurants. The website believes that it is its ordained mission to help create an environment in which "safer food, safer communities and a healthier economy", is the final outcome. The website looks for companies trying to to profit from others' bad luck can also achieve a $5,000 monthly fee.  Bloomberg has previously reported this development.  Although the website concludes there was sabotage for profit in the Chipolte food borne illnesses cases, the website has a motive to find wrongdoing. However that is not the case with Aaron Allen, principal at Aaron Allen & Associates, a restaurant industry consultancy.  In fact, in a LinkedIn post, Aaron Allen stated that the Chipotle illness might not just be a matter of luck. "A lot of things stacked up that made it suspicious, …and when you look at it from a statistical point of view, the tragic events grow even more suspicious." Unlike, Allen and Associates have nothing to gain from their conclusions except criticism and accusations by the MSM of being conspiracy theorists.

Allan is not the first to publicly speculate about the possibility that corporate sabotage is behind Chipotle's woes.

A strikingly similar theory surfaced almost  two years ago when the chain was hit by outbreaks of E. coli, norovirus, and salmonella. The stock price plummeted at the time, costing the company billions of dollars in market capitalization but a select few insiders made major money by selling short just in advance of the event.

Is Chipolte Endangering the Public In Order to Make Money from Selling Short In Advance of a Catastrophe?

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.  We have been fooled twice. As a former professor of statistics, I find agreement with Allen and Associates on the very unusual statistical anomalies which underlie the two events. When a disaster strikes once and preferred investors all sell short just in advance of the event, you may have a case of good luck. However, when it happens twice, the odds are to astronomical to calculate. The chances of random occurrence escalate exponentially.


Chiplote must indeed have low friends in high places as Garth Brooks would describe. The fact that there has not been a major investigation and a grand jury impaneled to bring charges against the appropriate decision makers is stunning to me.

From my perspective we are looking at a tried and true strategy designed to enrich select insiders with a corporate version of a false flag. If true, the depraved indifference to the health of the American people is stunning! Putting the public at risk for insider profits is not an unknown strategy as I found out while investigating the Gulf Oil Crisis. Quietly and slowly, many media outlets, in both the Independent Media and the Mainstream Media are asking the same embarrassing questions  about Chipolte.
