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IPFS News Link • Trump Administration

Scaramucci Implicates Priebus In Now-Deleted Tweet Following 'Felony' ...


Scaramucci stated that he "will be contacting @FBI and the @TheJusticeDept #swamp @Reince45," oddly tagging White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus.

In response, Twitter exploded with rumors that Priebus was a White House leaker - an implication which Ryan Lizza of The New Yorker (and contributor to CNN) somehow confirmed.

30 minutes later, another "blue check" Twitter user - Josh Kraushaar from National Journal, tweeted "@RyanLizza reports on CNN that Mooch already contacted the FBI about Reince // not just a threat (as he said in tweet)."

However, as speculation reached a fevered pitch, Scaramucci - who keeps his phone at 100% charge - poured cold water over the hopes and dreams of everyone who hates Reince, tweeting "Wrong! Tweet was public notice to leakers that all Sr Adm officials are helping to end illegal leaks. @Reince45"