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IPFS News Link • MEDIA (MainStreamMedia - aka MSM)

CONFIRMED: CNN Threatens to Put US Citizen's Life in Danger for Revenge


CNN has admitted that it has discovered the identity of a man who originally made the "Trump body-slams CNN" meme.

CNN personnel have contacted the man forcing him to apologise on Reddit using his pseudonym. However CNN remains committed to exposing the man's ideneity to the world should he retract his apology.

According to CNN,

"CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that (his apology) change".

CNN is behaving in the most irresponsible way possible for several reasons.

1. CNN could put the man's life in danger 

CNN like others found the man's Reddit content offensive. Apparently, his other posts weren't as humorous as the wrestling meme with Trump.

So what! People have the right to be offensive without having their lives put in danger. Recently, Republican Congressman Steve Scalise was shot by a deranged liberal who claimed he was a big fan of many liberal CNN commentators.

Thus, there is a clear precedent for people to take CNN's virulently anti-Trump message and do something criminal, violent and possibly murderous as a result. It is fair to say that the shooting of Congressman Scalise was attempted murder.

If someone was deranged enough to attack a high-profile figure, one could image the comparative ease with which they could attempt to harm a man who appears to be an ordinary private citizen, one who is clearly scared of being exposed.

2. CNN is engaging in blackmail

When a giant multi-million dollar corporation forces a private citizen to retract his statements online out of fear of having his true identity exposed, this is using bullying tactics in the service of blackmail.

CNN made this person an offer he couldn't refuse. Is CNN really just the liberal mafia now?

3. Fake journalism