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After running fake news to destroy Trump, CNN host now declares it all "needs to stop" rig


(Natural News) There is no question that CNN, by its own deeds, has risen to the top of the fake news industry.

A recently published compilation of the many times just in recent history the network published or broadcast (or both) fake news regarding President Donald J. Trump is self-explanatory; heck, the network even had to retract a story a week ago claiming something nefarious between former Trump campaign constituent Anthony Scaramuci and some Russian financial fund manager. The conversation the report alleged never took place.

In that vein, CNN has gone all-in on the 'Trump-Russia collusion' conspiracy, daily feeding its unhinged far-Left audience a steady diet of allegations, innuendo and outright lies in a bid to undermine Trump and his entire agenda, if not bring him down completely.

But as we're beginning to discover, even staffers at the network know that the narrative is, in the words of one producer, "bulls**t." (RELATED: CNN, the collapse of bulls##t and how Trump can de-fund the entire establishment media with the single stroke of a pen)

John Bonifield, a producer at the network, admitted on hidden camera to journo-operatives with Project Veritas that CNN has not one shred of proof to back up all of its innuendo and allegations surrounding the manufactured narrative that President Donald J. Trump "colluded" with "The Russians" to "steal the election" from Hillary Clinton.

"I mean, it's mostly bullsh*t right now," Bonifield says. "Like, we don't have any giant proof."