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IPFS News Link • Economy - International

The Cryptoeconomy Is Flowering Before Your Eyes

•, Jeffrey A. Tucker

The man is strong but mostly works with his mind with the purpose of correcting the excesses of the horse through mental determination and rational intelligence. The statue embodies that classical New Deal mindset: without government, economic forces lead to social disaster.

In the currently emerging cryptoeconomy, however, the roles are reversed. The crypoteconomy refers to a growing array of emerging technologies, rooted in public-key cryptography, that enable individuals to engage in a huge range of economic activities that were previously possible only through financial intermediaries. 

In building this suite of technologies, the market is behaving with astonishing intelligence, turning out innovations every day that would have been inconceivable a decade ago. Whole worlds of code are being woven by a decentralized network, seeking to solve universal human problems concerning finance, monetary economics, contracts, insurance, property titles, and every other form of human engagement.
