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Washington Post admits: 'Nancy Pelosi is a liar'


House Minority Speaker Nancy Pelosi is doing everything she can to bad mouth the American Health Care Act, the GOP's Obamacare replacement.

But now she's stooped as low as telling flat out lies — and even the liberal media is calling her out!

The Washington Post fact checked Pelosi's recent statement on the AHCA, on which she said, "Americans will lose their health coverage because of his proposal. And it is a job loser. Estimated to be 1.8 million jobs lost. Donald Trump is a job loser."

But there's a major problem. Pelosi is basing that information on a study by a think tank who was up front about the inaccuracy of their information, calling it a "rough estimate."

It's her claim's basis on this one, left-leaning research group that forced the liberal Washington Post to acknowledge her insane claim — giving her two Pinocchios on their fact checking scale.

Her spokeman, Drew Hammill, said her information was based on a report by the Center for American Progress — a left leaning public policy research firm. So it's no surprise that this notoriously liberal firm would report negatively about the AHCA.

But what makes it even worse is Pelosi is completely ignoring studies that say the opposite: The the AHCA will actually result in job growth.

The American Action Forum countered the claim that repealing the Affordable Care Act would cost jobs, saying, "The argument that eliminating the ACA will shrink the economy and cost jobs in baseless, as it ignores the other side of the equation: federal spending means higher taxes our of taxpayer's pockets."