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IPFS News Link • MEDIA (MainStreamMedia - aka MSM)

CNN Blames Existing Hot Deserts on "Climate Change"


CNN is blaming America's Mojave and Sonoran Deserts – which have existed for thousands of years – on "global warming."

Despite the Mojave's Death Valley experiencing a record temperature of 134 °F in 1913, the network claimed the American Southwest's current "record-breaking heatwave," "raging wildfires" and "power outages" were due to "man-made climate change."

At least two of those can be largely blamed on California's byzantine state government, however.

"If you're stranded in Phoenix right now, or worried about an elderly acquaintance in California, or are without power in the Bay Area, or nervous about a wildfire taking your home, you can thank the long list of politicians who do the bidding of polluting corporations instead of their constituents and protect profit over the environment," CNN's Jill Filipovic wrote. "You can thank the President who tore up the Paris climate agreement."

But most of those are local or state-level issues that have existed before the establishment started fueling the whole "man-made climate change" narrative, and all of those areas – including Phoenix – are Democratically-run.

Remember the 2000 California electricity crisis that was largely blamed on collusion between energy companies and state politicians "gaming the system?"  The scandal would likely have never been exposed if the "climate change" rhetoric was as loud then as it is today.

And that's a good point: politicians use "global warming" as the boogeyman to hide their power grabs.

Furthermore, did Trump's rejection of the Paris climate accord magically heat up the globe immediately with the stroke of his pen?