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IPFS News Link • Legislation

Senate Bill to Force Citizens to Register Cash Not in a Bank, Violators Get 10 Years in Prison

• by Claire Bernish

Under the guise of combating money laundering, Senate Bill 1241, "Combating Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing, and Counterfeiting Act of 2017," ramps up regulation of digital currency and other autocratic financial controls in an attempt to ensure none of your assets can escape one of the State's most nefarious, despised powers: civil asset forfeiture.

All of this under the farcically broad umbrella of fighting terrorism.

Civil forfeiture grants the government robbery writ large: your cash, property, and assets can be stolen completely sans due process, your guilt — frequently pertaining to drug 'crimes' — matters not.

A court verdict of not guilty doesn't even guarantee the return of State-thefted property.

In fact, the government can seize virtually whatever it wants if it so much as suspects some of your assets might have been acquired through or used in the commission of even lesser crimes.

For some time, a war on cash has been brewing behind the closed doors of government, and — although officials prefer to claim counterfeiting, terrorism, and money laundering as the impetus for asset tracking — in actuality, physical currency facilitates black market and untaxed transactions, and, most imperatively to the U.S., cannot be thefted under civil asset forfeiture laws as easily as money exchanged digitally.