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IPFS News Link • Clinton News

Trump: Loretta Lynch Gave Free Pass & Protection to Hillary Clinton


During James Comey's testimony last week before Congress, it was revealed that former Attorney General Loretta Lynch had directed him to refer to the investigation into Hillary Clinton's illegal email server and sending and receiving classified information through it as a "matter." President Donald Trump took to Twitter to blast Lynch for giving Clinton a "free pass and protection."

"A.G. Lynch made law enforcement decisions for political purposes…gave Hillary Clinton a free pass and protection," tweeted Trump. "Totally illegal!"

I'm not quite sure about the legality just yet. However, there are several things that are tied together such as the infamous tarmac meeting between President Bill Clinton and Lynch last year. We already know there was an investigation and Comey provided the nation with the results, but said he would not advise prosecuting.

Still, the fact that Lynch wanted Comey to use a Clinton campaign term such as "matter," instead of "investigation," should be concerning enough.