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From Bitcoin to climate change: The top 10 things you probably believe that are complete bulls##t


Image: From Bitcoin to climate change: The top 10 things you probably believe that are complete bulls##t

(Natural News) Public discourse in our twisted, collapsing society has now devolved to the point where most of what the general public believes is complete bulls##t. The aim of this article, of course is to point out a few of the most impressive bulls##t piles currently occupying the minds of the delusional masses. The "you" in the title of this post doesn't refer to you personally, of course, as anyone who reads this site regularly has already pulled back the curtain on most of this bulls##t and sees things for what they really are.

But you'd be amazed how many "awakened" people still believe certain things that are total bulls##t. As you read through this list, ask yourself: How many of these examples of total bulls##t do you still think are true?

Top 10 things you probably believe that are complete bulls##t

#1) Bitcoin is a magical source of endless wealth creation that isn't subject to the laws of economics

You'd be amazed to learn how many liberty-minded people who have long warned about the coming global debt collapse (and the failures of fiat currencies) have now convinced each other that Bitcoin is a magical source of endless wealth that creates money from nothing. The logic doesn't pan out, of course: Bitcoin has now become a modern-day tulip bulb mania that only seems different because it involves a lot of technology. But it's still a tulip bulb mania scenario, and it will still crash and burn when people eventually come to their senses. Read more about the Bitcoin end game at this link.

#2) Organic foods are automatically clean foods

All kinds of people who buy organic foods mistakenly think that USDA certified organic means foods are tested for heavy metals and pesticides. That's flatly false, and in truth, nearly all the most contaminated foods we've tested in my heavy metals analysis laboratory have been certified organic (from China, where "organic" is a total joke). For the record, "organic" products to tend to be far cleaner in terms of avoiding synthetic pesticides and herbicides, but there isn't any end product testing required by the USDA, so there's undoubtedly a lot of fraud in the organic industry. (Best answer? Grow as much of your own food as you can. Buy organic but don't always trust it 100%, especially if it's from China.)

#3) The future will always be better than the present (irrational optimism)

Scientific studies have found that the brains of human beings are hard-wired for "irrational optimism." Human brains are eternally optimistic as a survival mechanism that generates "hope" where none is warranted. The downside to this cognitive distortion is that few humans are able to look at the world rationally, especially when the future looks worse than the present. That's why there's so much "normalcy bias" in the world, where the masses believe nothing catastrophic can ever happen to society because they've never experienced such chaotic events in their (short) lifetimes. Remember: In the minds of most people, "history" began the day they were born, and the world they know could never suddenly change because it's never happened to them before.

#4) "Science" is run by intelligent, objective, high-integrity individuals who never lie

Propagandists of all kinds (Monsanto, vaccine pushers, climate change cultists, etc.) proudly proclaim to have a monopoly over "science," and they wield the label as a cognitive weapon to shout down skepticism or dissent. Yet the realm of "science" isn't nearly as credible or honest as you might think. In fact, many science journals have become total jokes that will publish any junk science drivel imaginable. Academic science has devolved into little more than a grant money circle jerk where scientists produce whatever results get them more government money. And corporate-run "science" is incessantly corrupted by dishonest corporate interests. Even government "science" organizations like the EPA have lost all credibility with real scientists, because they are no longer engaged in any real science at all: They're just propaganda arms of the bureaucracy that wield "science" to brow beat opponents who disagree with their ludicrous narratives rooted in junk science.