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IPFS News Link • Books

A Portrait of our Lost LIberties in the Surveilance State

• by Thomas S. Neuberger

It was chilling, Orwellian and correct about our emerging police state. In a week when we learned that our government admits that it has has been collecting trillions of our telephone calls, emails, videos, facebook posts, etc. and the Supreme Court oks government collecting our DNA if we ever should be arrested for any alleged crime, the author tells us that all this has been happening quitely behind our backs for years.

Fully documented to the end, this book is well-written and an easy read. Whitehead puts all the pieces together about the bleak future of WhiteheadBest Price: $3.83Buy New $9.31liberty in our country in a compelling narrative. He engages the reader and his Orwellian conclusions are frightening.

It appears that the point of no return has passed and I have little hope in an uprising of civil disobedience as Whitehead urges or a second American Revolution which would restore normalcy to the public and revitalize our lost constitutional liberties.

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