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IPFS News Link • Weapons/Weaponry

Can US Warplanes Evade Russian Air Defenses? We May Soon Find Out in Syria


For years, the U.S. military has been fretting about the return of conflicts in which air defenses play a big role. If tensions escalate in  Syria, high-end American fighter jets might face off against Russia's top-of-the-line anti-aircraft missiles — and both sides will quickly learn who has the edge.

Russia began moving its high-end, ready-for-World-War-III air defense equipment into Syria early on in the conflict. In November 2015, a Turkish F-16 downed a Russian Su-24M near the Turkish border. Russia deployed an S-400 anti-aircraft radar and missile battery into the country. It's basically a truck with a big radar several more trucks with missiles capable of detecting and intercepting air targets at a range of 400 km, at least according to Russian descriptions of January 2015 intercept tests.
