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IPFS News Link • Trump Administration

Trump is the Perfect President


A river of angst and anger is roaring, gushing, and flooding the country.

Trump's psychological state, ability, intelligence, actions and intentions, impact and ramifications — suddenly everyone is wide awake and nervous.

Trump's consistencies and inconsistencies are equally frightening, his exercise of power as the "most powerful man in the world" seem insane in so many ways.

Like Captain Renault in a Casa Blanca gambling hall, I am shocked – shocked – to find that the exercise of state power is dangerous, evil, unfair, unlimited, and served up without finesse or human decency!

Democrats and Republicans for decades eagerly created a massive currency printing debt-slave funded government, with a massive and terrible foreign policy.   They promoted an arrogant self-congratulatory exceptionalism, whether based on lies about how much they cared about human rights (they never did) or how much they cared about liberty (they cannot even spell the word).  Every president has served as a co-conspirator against the Republic, either as power addicts or puppets of power addicts who with dedication and commitment chipped and hacked away at the Constitution.

The politically active, ignorant government believers in this country have all worked hard to create the very problems of the state with which Trump is now saddled and accused.

I celebrate the Trump presidency as a wake-up call for the lying hypocrites who have created the government we now have.

Hypocrites like red "independent" states that are net takers on federal tax and redistribution schemes.

Human rights, equality and environmental advocates who have for decades tolerated and promoted a foreign policy that confidently destroys human rights, equality, and the environment.

Large swathes of angry people who know no history, learn through flashed headlines and images, doped up on government approved and subsidized prescription drugs and infotainment have come alive in their frustration. A country that suffers a general malaise of narcissism now points a shaking finger at a president rushing ignorant narcissistic tweets.  J'accuse!

Erstwhile freedom advocates suddenly fearful of an actual secession and planning for a nice civil war to prevent the collapse of the empire they love.

America is now led by the best it can produce, the best it can elect.

And yet, Trump is unique in that he is fulfilling campaign promises, using executive power to shrink and reverse legislation, and for the first time in my lifetime, appointing actual people to the various posts of government, based on their passions and skills, or better yet, their past criticism of this or that agency.