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IPFS News Link • Economy - Economics USA

Bigger Crash Coming:

• by Brandon Smith

Editor's Comment: The system is taking advantage of the public's naivety, and its false hope in the latest stock bubbles. The truth is that the underlying factors are tipping towards disaster; the real economy is grinding to a halt, and no amount of good news about returning jobs and production can turn that around overnight.

Obama's administration left us with a huge bill due, and the banksters-that-be have poised the next administration for the collapse. Those who follow economic news may know of the warnings, but much of the public has no idea about what is coming. Take heed, and get ready. The happy times may not last…

The False Economic Recovery Narrative Will Die In 2017

by Brandon Smith

Yes, the narrative of the "new normal" has been around for so long now that many people have simply grown used to it. The assumption is that the fiscal "new normal" has become the fiscal "normal," and though the fundamentals continue to strain under the weight of poor global demand and historic debt levitated by extraneous fiat stimulus, the masses feel far less fear than is warranted. Hey, why should they? We've managed around eight years skating on thin ice, why shouldn't we expect eight more years of the same?
