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WATCH: CBS News Anchor Accused Of 'Fake News' for Reporting Truth About Syria -- Destroys Hi


Ben Swann reports that Al-Qaeda and ISIS now form the ranks of U.S.-backed "moderate rebels" in Syria, but this truth is too much for MSM to handle.

By: Justin Gardner / The Free Thought Project   Neoconservatives are in a state of desperation over the meltdown of their latest attempt at regime change. Having failed to initiate all-out war in Syria before the 2016 election, neocons and liberal interventionists are watching in horror as their so-called "moderate rebels" are driven out of Aleppo.

Over the past five years, U.S. mainstream media dutifully played its part in pushing the American foreign policy agenda of intervention and endless war. MSM shamelessly framed a narrative of "good vs. evil" in Syria, with America righteously supporting an organic fight for freedom against the bad guys of the Assad regime.

In doing so, they pushed fake news such as the alleged sarin gas attack by Assad on the Syrian people – a false flag that almost triggered the war neocons wanted. MSM continued to abandon skepticism and fact-checking, ignoring the reality that U.S.-supported "moderate rebels" were actually full of Al-Qaida jihadists and ISIS extremists.

One news anchor was unafraid to report the truth. In 2015, Ben Swann produced a damning report as part of his Reality Check series. Using Pentagon documents, he showed how the U.S. wanted ISIS to emerge in Syria to help carry out their goal of regime change, by nurturing the Salafist sect in eastern Syria.

Swann continues to be a lone voice of reason as MSM echoes the American foreign policy narrative. Last week, he reported again that so-called "moderate rebels" are actually made up of Al-Qaeda jihadists and ISIS terrorists. National media figures promptly labeled this "fake news," according to Swann.

In a new Reality Check, Swann destroys the fake news charge and, once again, informs Americans about the truth in Syria.

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