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IPFS News Link • Climate Change

CLIMATEVIEWER - Crowd-Sourced, Open-Source, Mapping on Steroids

• Climate Viewer

Discover how natural and artificial phenomena from past to present, underground to outer space might affect the quality and length of our lives and form teams to improve life on Earth.

ClimateViewer features real-time atmospheric and geophysical monitoring with maps covering geoengineering, weather modification, climate change, pollution, privacy, exploration, migration, geosciences, architecture, green energy solutions, sunken ships, airplane crash sites and more.

Check out Jim Lee, creator of ClimateViewer, explaining our project.




ClimateViewer is an Open-Source social media and Geographic Information Systems mapping project. You can already check out our Cesium-powered 3D globe, our Leaflet-powered Mobile app, and report your own events using our Ushahidi-powered Crowd-Source Reporting app.

We are diligently working to combine all three apps into one, add user accounts, social media style feeds, a bunch of cool data-views, and allow teams of concerened citizens to build communities, chat and video conference, and solve our planetary problems. People helping people empowered by technology, this project will truly change the world!

With ClimateViewer, the world is at your finger tips!





Monitor Your World

Track pollution sources and use real-time atmospheric sensors to monitor your air quality and see pollution affect your weather. Snapshot your screen and store your "view" in your own personal archive, then share your snapshot with others! Report health-threatening technological disasters like radiation releases, chemical spills, and even rogue geoengineering so other ClimateViewer users can spread the word, form teams, and respond to emergencies.

See Data in New Ways

Visualize complex data-sets like maps, lists, and feeds from the millions of open-source databases available to ClimateViewer users. Create your own remixes, choose how to view your data, and share your "package" with others by publishing it on our server! We call these packages "Nobjects," or Network Objects. Each Nobject you create can also be downloaded, sent over an email, and viewed privately by the recipient! Imagine the possibilities! Nobjects can be viewed on our 3D Globe, 2D map, in a Twitter-style feed, or on our super-cool graphing software.

Team Planet on Steroids

ClimateViewer puts the Change in Climate Change! Create teams to respond to severe weather events, technological disasters, life-threatening pollution, or use ClimateViewer to organize your activist or volunteer organization. With powerful user-created map tools, global, team, and private chat rooms, video conferencing, and event scheduler, your team will be prepared to tackle anything! Set your goals, track results, be the change!

Save Lives!

Our internet has set us free. Open-source technology and You make this possible. ClimateViewer gives power to the people: See a problem? Map it, Mark it, Make it Change. We are creating a new social media, giving you tools to create communities that help other people directly. Knowing is half the battle, and having a tool to fix it is priceless. ClimateViewer is that tool.


About ClimateViewer.Com

What We Do

Climate Viewer News is your source for agenda-free alternative media. Our outstanding team of volunteer activists set the example for modern sousveillance and independent journalism.

We are connecting the dots of our planetary problems with 3D mapping software, crowd-sourced news reporting, interactive timelines, well-referenced research pages, and daily updates from concerned citizens around the globe.

This is where conspiracy meets reality. That which can be destroyed by truth should be.

Each of our team members has their own hosted page on our CV News server, with live Twitter updates, YouTube live feed, and all of their latest articles on CV News.

CV News, our hosted pages, mapping, crowd-sourcing, and timeline apps were all created as a free public service.

Our passionate team powers CV News, but without your support our efforts will be in vain.

Give Your Voice

We rely on your your voice to resonate our message and change the world.

By sharing our articles, videos, maps, timelines, and podcasts you become more than a Climate Viewer, you become a Climate Do-er! Please use the links at the bottom of every page on CV News to share on your favorite social media site, email to a friend, or comment and let us know your personal experiences. Your voice is powerful, be heard, and live fearlessly!

Sharing is caring and we really appreciate it.

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better.  It's not!"  ~ Dr. Seuss

Give Money

We rely on your donations to keep our server online and expand our ability to resonate the truth.

Each year, we ask for your donations to pay our hosting bill which includes our server, domains, and upgrades.  In addition, you may donate directly to any member of CV News by clicking on the donation link on their hosted page.

Thank you for supporting us the past three years!

Give Time

Join our Climate Viewer News Team today!

We rely on caring individuals to join our team and help us grow. If you are interested in joining our team, please use the contact form at the bottom of this page!  We are looking for writers, YouTube activists, radio activists (blogtalk, etc), graphics artists, videographers, and any driven activist devoted to the truth, grounded in reality, and pragmatically searching for solutions to real-world problems the lame stream media isn't covering.Please use this form to contact me about joining the CV News team!

James F. Lee Jr.
President of Climate Viewer News LLC.
Phone: 1 (803) 450-4305
Address:  25 Tripp Drive, Sumter, South Carolina, 29153
Skype: rezn8d