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IPFS News Link • Corruption

WikiLeaks Emails Show Colbert Report Gave Clinton Foundation Control Over Production

• The Free Thought Project

"Money makes the world go around," the old adage states, but when the worlds of politics and crony capitalism come together, a lot can get done, and as we know, a lot of money changes hands. Thanks to Wikileaks' release of John Podesta's emails (Hillary Clinton's campaign manager), any average Joe can now peer into the way the world works, focusing on the Clintons' politics and their strategic media partners, one of which appears to be Stephen Colbert and Comedy Central's cable network.

Colbert was unabashedly supportive of Clinton for president. He must surely be eating humble pie after confidently declaring in 2015, concerning Donald Trump's chances at winning the presidency, "You're not gonna be president, it's been fun, it's been great, I love you, but come on, come on, buddy! All let's say cow poo poo aside, there is zero chance we'll be seeing you being sworn in on the capitol steps with your hand on a giant golden Bible."

Frankly, Comedy Central and Stephen Colbert (who currently hosts The Late Show with Stephen Colbert) can make arrangements with charities and advertisers, alike, if they so choose, but the American people are now much more keenly aware of the networks' business dealings, thanks in part to Wikileaks' leak of Podesta's emails.

Craig Minassian, Chief Communications Officer for the Clinton Foundation's "Clinton Global Initiative", wrote Podesta a post-production email about a few episodes The Colbert Report did promoting CGI University. Much like "Trump University," the "CGI University" is no university at all, but rather, "hosts a meeting where students, university representatives, topic experts, and celebrities come together to discuss and develop innovative solutions to pressing global challenges," according to its website.

But it's Minassian's choice of words, in his email to Podesta, which is now raising eyebrows. "John, I hope you got a chance to see The Colbert Report's two special episodes I had them do about CGI U that we taped in St. Louis this weekend," the email reads, implying Minassian has some power and influence over the direction, content, and substance in the production of The Colbert Report. "I had them do," is what is written. Wait! What?