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IPFS News Link • Trump Administration

Putin, Trump and a Phone Call to Remember

• By Tom Luongo

If you've never seen it, here's a link.  Go watch it.  I'll wait.

Note the situation.  The U.S. as the aggressor versus Russia for all the thermonuclear marbles.  A rogue element within the U.S. military decided this was necessary.

Up until Tuesday evening's election results this was a real possibility. Except it wouldn't have been an underling's decision to go to war with Russia but rather the President herself.

Thankfully, enough Americans decided, whether they were aware of it or not, not to vote for war and elect Donald Trump.

Today the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, and President-elect Trump had a far different phone call than the one brilliantly ad-libbed by Peter Sellers 53 years ago.  And the world is a potentially much safer place than yesterday.