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IPFS News Link • Revolutions, Rebellions & Uprisings

Trump's Revolution

•, by Justin Raimondo

Donald Trump has done the unthinkable – unthinkable, that is, to the sneering elites: the "journalists" who have been spending their days snarking at Trump on Twitter, the DC mandarins who disdained him from the beginning, and the foreign policy "experts" who gasped in horror as he challenged the basic premises of the post-World War II international order. And he did it by overcoming a host of the most powerful enemies one could conjure: The Republican Establishment, the Democratic party machine, the Money Power, and a media united in their hatred of him. 

That this is a revolution is a bit of an understatement: revolutions are usually national in scope. This is an earthquake that will shake the whole world. 

The United States is a global empire, and from the Korean peninsula to the Baltic states, our protectorates are quavering in panic that the system they've depended on for over half a century is about to come down. During the election, America's client states all but formally endorsed Hillary Clinton, and expressed their unmitigated horror at the prospect of a Trump presidency. After all, the GOP candidate pledged to make our allies start paying their own way, a possibility that naturally fills them with dread. And Trump committed the biggest heresy of all by not only openly questioning the continued existence of NATO, but also by asking "Wouldn't it be nice if we could get along with Russia?"