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The Political Twitter Bots Will Rage This Election Day


"She will never win," Gabriella tweeted emphatically on Monday, hours before the polls opened on Election Day. "Stealing is not winning, it's losing."

"Hillary Hillary Hillary!" Mel tweeted in the same hour, with equal enthusiasm.

As the war for hearts and minds and votes entered the final battle, it was no time for partisans to relent. Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and her team email blasted and tweeted and canvased and threw an enormous rally and filled the airwaves with ads. Republican candidate Donald Trump and his team tweeted and threw rallies and tweeted some more. And the people? Well, they clashed on Facebook, in line at the grocery store, and on Twitter (did we mention Twitter?).

"It's 7:10 PM EST in Washington DC and Donald Trump is still a major threat to the free world," one clearly pro-Hillary Twitter user tweeted. "And he still has small hands. #DumpTrump"

"#TrumpWinsBecause the American people are too smart to fall for lies anymore," Marie retweeted someone else named Halley.

But it was on Twitter where something was afoot. You see, humans weren't the only ones fighting. Those quotes above? They were almost definitely written by bots (and in Marie and Halley's case, a bot that retweeted another bot.