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IPFS News Link • Politics

E-mails - Hillary Clinton and the Muslim Brotherhood


The FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton's private e-mails is not directed at a case of negligence in the face of security regulations but at a conspiracy attempting to eliminate any trace of her correspondence which should have been archived on the servers of the Federal State. It could include exchanges about illegal financing or corruption, and others concerning the links between the Clintons, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the jihadists.

The reprise of the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton's private e-mails no longer concerns questions of security, but rather acts of skullduggery and cheating which could be as serious as high treason.

Technically, instead of using one of the secured servers of the Federal State, the Secretary of State had ordered the installation of a private server in her home, in order to be able to use the Internet without leaving any trace on a machine belonging to the Federal State. Mrs Clinton's private technician had voided the server before the arrival of the FBI so that it was impossible to know why she had set up such a network.

First of all, the FBI noted that the private server was not protected by the same security system as the State Department server. Thus Mrs Clinton had only committed a security fault. Secondly, the FBI confiscated the computer of former Congressman Anthony Weiner, the ex-husband of Huma Abedin, Hillary's chief of staff. The FBI found e-mails from the Secretary of State on his computer.

Anthony Weiner is a Jewish politician who is very close to the Clintons, and who harbored the ambition of becoming mayor of New York. He was obliged to resign following a very Puritan scandal – he had sent erotic smses to a young woman who was not his wife. Huma Abedin officially separated from him during the scandal, but in reality, did not leave him.

Huma Abedin is a US citizen who was raised in Saudi Arabia. Her father is director of an academic review – of which, for many years, she was the sub-editor – which regularly prints comments from the Muslim Brotherhood. Her mother is president of the Saudi association of female members of the Brotherhood and worked with the wife of Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi. Her brother Hassan works for Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the religious authority of the Brotherhood and spiritual counselor of Al-Jazeera.

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During an official journey to Saudi Arabia, the Secretary of State visits Dar al-Hekma college, accompanied by Saleha Abedin (mother of her chief of staff), president of the association of the Sister members of the Brotherhood.

Huma Abedin is today a central figure of the Clinton campaign, alongside the campaign director, John Podesta, ex-General Secretary of the White House under the Presidency of Bill Clinton. Podesta is also the appointed Congressional lobbyist for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – for the modest amount of $200,000 per month. On 12 June 2016, Petra, the official Press agency of Jordan, published an interview with the crown prince of Arabia, Mohamed Ben Salmane, in which he affirmed the modernity of his family, which had illegally financed Hillary Clinton's Presidential campaign to the tune of 20%, despite the fact that she is a woman. The day after this publication, the agency cancelled the dispatch and claimed that its Internet site had been hacked.