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FALSE FLAG RED ALERT: Media plotting w/Clinton operatives to gun down democrats & blame it on Trump

• Natural News

(NaturalNews) As Dave Hodges has correctly pointed out in this article, both the New York Times and Washington Post have been interviewing pro-Trump supporters who are warning readers about the possibility of an armed citizens' revolt if Hillary Clinton steals the White House.

I was interviewed last week by a Washington Post reporter, whom I told flat out that "your newspaper has zero credibility" and that whatever I gave them on the record would likely be twisted and selectively edited to fit their desired narrative. That's why I recorded my entire interview with their reporter, who turned out to be rather polite and genuinely concerned about one of my predictions. To his credit, if he actually writes and publishes an honest story rather than a propaganda piece, I will make note of it.

Why did he call me in the first place? My widely-shared article predicting leftists bombings of government buildings was published several days before the GOP headquarters in North Carolina was firebombed by violent leftists. In my original story entitled VOTERS WARNED: You've already lost America... this election is about taking it back in the last non-violent way possible, I wrote, "As all this is going down, you should fully expect violent, extremist leftist to be setting bombs all over the place, with funding for the bombs coming from George Soros, the key funding source of domestic terrorism in America."

Just a few days later, the bombings began in North Carolina, confirming one of my predictions and possibly giving my article the credibility that might cause mainstream media reporters to be concerned about what else I've been predicting. (Note to reporters: Yes, you should read my predictions if you really want to know U.S. history before it happens...)

Those additional predictions, by the way, include one possible scenario where armed Americans march on Washington and occupy the White House, resulting in the kind of bloodshed and violence we all hope can be avoided in any civilized nation. My article called on Americans to avoid this scenario by taking back their country at the ballot box, thus reestablishing the balance of power at the ballot box.

Yet, ironically, it is the mainstream media that is playing a monumental role in making sure America's elections are no longer open, free and fair. The media's radically one-sided promotion of Hillary Clinton coupled with extremely biased attacks on Donald Trump only confirm to tens of millions of Americans that the system is entirely rigged against them. Had the media engaged in something resembling balanced coverage of the candidates, I doubt there would be much of the sense of anger, frustration and incredulity that's now reflected across much of the voting population.

The leftist media, in other words, is at least partly to blame for the extreme political polarization now being witnessed across America. And that's directly because the media has now chosen sides... and the side they've chosen is the side that despises almost everything America was founded on.

Gunning down democrats to blame Trump supporters

ANALYSIS: It's now clear that the same leftist media which has systematically rigged everything -- staged debate questions, staged polls, rehearsed audience comments at CNN, deep collusion with the Clinton campaign, total censorship of Wikileaks emails, etc. -- is colluding with Clinton-linked terror operatives who are going to commit acts of mass violence that will be blamed on Trump supporters.

It's a repeat of the exact same Trump rally violence that's been caught on video by Project Veritas (, where democrat operatives openly admit they take money from the Clinton campaign to stage and carry out acts of extreme violence so they can be blamed on Trump.