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IPFS News Link • Retirement

Future Clinton Treasury Secretary Announces Plan To Privatize Americans' Retirement Savings


By now, most Americans are aware of Hillary Clinton's strong allegiance to Wall Street. However, many still remain unaware or unsure of how the financial industry's influence would manifest in a potential Clinton administration. Look no further than the man named as Clinton's most likely pick for Treasury Secretary, Tony James. James, who declined a position in Obama's cabinet, is the President of the Blackstone Group, a multinational hedge fund and the largest alternative investment firm in the world, as well as a longtime Clinton donor and billionaire. Though James' Wall Street background should be enough to concern a majority of Americans, it's his plans for Americans' retirement savings that should scare them.

James revealed his plan to "help millions of aging Americans" at a recent talk to the Center for American Progress, a liberal think-tank founded by none other than Clinton Campaign Chair John Podesta. The plan calls for hundreds of billions of dollars of retirement savings to be given to financial firms and hedge funds, such as Blackstone, who would pool the savings together and "invest" them in "higher, returning asset classes." In other words, Americans' retirement savings would be lumped together under Wall Street control, allowing them to gamble with the massive sum and make a killing from the bets. However, any "misplaced" bets would be the problem of everyday Americans invested in the system, not the hedge funds who made those bad bets.

When James was asked by Bloomberg news about the obvious conflict of interest he has in proposing the plan, he responded: "If this gets enacted, there are going to be thousands and thousands and thousands of asset managers that will benefit I suppose because more savings and more investment benefits all asset managers of every stripe." The plan, in its current form, would generate roughly $300 billion a year for Wall Street firms in management fees alone. Though Clinton's campaign has refused to comment on James' plan, James himself has said that a Clinton win in November would make his plan a reality, whether or not he is chosen to serve as Treasury Secretary, as it has received "warm signals" from both top Democrats and Republicans.

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