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IPFS News Link • Politics: Democratic Campaigns

Two Boxes Of Hillary Emails Mysteriously Disappear

• by Tyler Durden

Per the following interview with a State Department witness who worked in the Office of Information Programs and Services (IPS), IPS was originally instructed to pick up 14 boxes of email records from Hillary's office in Friendship Heights back in 2015.  That said, IPS was subsequently informed that the email boxes would need to be picked up at the offices of Hillary's attorneys at Williams & Connolly.  Oddly, when IPS actually arrived to pickup the email records, there were only 12 boxes.  When asked about the discrepancy, the IPS officials said they were not sure "what could have happened to the two other boxes."

According to Fox News, Clinton's chief lawyer at Williams & Connolly, who leads all Clinton-related legal matters, is David Kendall.  Kendall has represented the Clintons on their many scandals dating back to the 1980's, ranging from the former president's sex scandals to missing billing records for Hillary Clinton's work as a partner in The Rose Law Firm on behalf of the failed Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan and Capital Management Services.