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IPFS News Link • Politics: Democratic Campaigns

Not Just Assange… Hillary Wants to Drone Strike "All Dissidents and Whistleblowers"

•, Mac Slavo

Whatever Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is planning to release on Hillary – and however damaging it may or may not prove to be – it is clear that the Clinton campaign wants nothing of it.

Perhaps that is why the planned Wikileaks announcement from the embassy balcony where Assange is in asylum had to be canceled – a 'specific threat' of some kind. Somebody wants to shut Assange up, quite clearly. Instead, the next release of damning information will be announced in Berlin via video conferencing. Or perhaps circumstances will prevent it from coming out.

Either way, newly released information about a conversation where then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton discussed assassinating Julian Assange in order to silence Wikileaks makes clear what kind of situation we are dealing with here.