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Surprise! (not): NFL is losing viewers in Kaepernick blowback


On August 26, 2016, San Francisco 49ers black quarterback Colin Kaepernick pointedly knelt, instead of standing, during the national anthem to protest police brutality and racial inequality.

He then followed his kneeling protest with wearing "pig" socks to a practice — socks with cartoon policemen done up as pigs.

This, from a 28-year-old man who somehow managed to accumulate an estimated net worth of $16 million in our land of racial inequality and police brutality. (See "NFL player Colin Kaepernick sits during national anthem; 49ers defend move")

San Francisco 49ers defended Kaepernick. The coach told The Daily Beast: "We were talking about things that were happening, taking place in society, and it went from the young men talking about the social injustice that they face on a day to day basis from coaches sharing their stories… And through our conversation, the players decided to do this. To make this movement."

Other NFL players later joined his "peaceful" protest. A high school team in Seattle also followed Kaepernick's lead.

Well, actions have consequences.

Sports-lovers are tuning out the NFL.

Brandon Katz reports for Forbes, Sept. 12, 2016, that whereas "It's common knowledge within the TV world that NFL football will always dominate whatever time slot it's in . . . the smallest of cracks" has appeared "in the NFL's armor":