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IPFS News Link • Politics: Democratic Campaigns

Is Tide Going Out on Hillary?

•, By Patrick J. Buchana

Her problem: The election is two months off.

Sixty days out, one senses she has lost momentum — the "Big Mo" of which George H. W. Bush boasted following his Iowa triumph in 1980 — and her campaign is in a rut, furiously spinning its wheels.

The commander in a chief forum Wednesday night should have been a showcase for the ex-secretary of state's superior knowledge and experience.

Instead, Clinton looked like a witness before a grand jury, forced to explain her past mistakes and mishandling of classified emails at State.

"Of the two candidates," The New York Times reported, "Mrs. Clinton faced by far the tougher and most probing questions from the moderator, Matt Lauer of NBC, and from an audience of military veterans about her use of private email, her vote authorizing the Iraq war, her hawkish foreign policy views…"