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IPFS News Link • Russia

Putin Calls Out Rigged U.S. Democracy: 'You Actually Believe US Elections are Democratic?'

• DC Clothesline

This narrative – regurgitated by the mainstream U.S. media – is that Russia's Vladimir Putin is actively working to subvert the U.S. presidential election.

Make no mistake that the Clinton campaign is intentionally attempting to draw the public's attention away from the Clinton/DNC's concerted effort to usurp the will of American voters and rigging the Democratic nomination in favor of Clinton.

In addition to the evidence contained in the WikiLeaks' DNC email release, the organization Election Justice USA, a non-partisan organization advocating for voters' rights and standing against election fraud and voter suppression in all forms, has released a damning report titled, Democracy Lost: A Report on the Fatally Flawed 2016 Democratic Primary. The report highlighted the following phenomena indicative of widespread vote rigging:

Targeted voter suppression

Registration tampering

Illegal voter purges

Exit polling discrepancies

Evidence for voting machine tampering

The security (or lack thereof) of various voting machine type

Interestingly, Russian President Vladimir Putin preemptively addressed allegations of Russian interference in U.S. elections, and in turn, questioned the legitimacy of U.S. democracy during a panel discussion at the St Petersburg Economic Forum.

Putin was joined onstage by scholar, author and CNN foreign affairs correspondent, Fareed Zakaria, as well as Kazakhstan President, Nursultan Nazarbayev and by 41-year-old Italian Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi.

CNN's Zakaria is a renowned leftist-globalist, as well as a member of the Council of Foreign Relations, and is known for his work as author of, 'The Post-American World.' He is considered gifted minded in many political circles but is the virtual embodiment of Western globalism underpinned by U.S. hegemonic imperialism.

After seeing Putin's response to Zakaria's disingenuous question it becomes crystal clear why U.S. mainstream media doesn't often show Putin. His penchant for direct, honest, rational discourse clearly refutes the constant droning on by paid corporate media talking heads attempting to paint Putin as some aggressive and irrational nut. Hillary has gone so far as to equate Putin with Adolf Hitler, which flies in the face of reality. In fact, Putin strikes directly at the heart of the American government's legitimacy to rule in his response to Zakaria's question.